Episode 5
PvE + PvP

Welcome to Shaiya Rise of Titans

  • Release date: Friday, June 21, 2024 6:00 PM
1. Using of profanity and insults and / or provocative messages in the chat rooms of the Game:
1.1 The using of profanity and / or negative insults in the game process, or a veiled form in the Game chats - blocking an account from 1 day, in case of a relapse, an permanent blocking is possible. Chat blocking for a period set by the operator can act as a warning.
1.2 Insulting the user, including using profanity, insults, provocative messages to the user - blocking the account from 1 day, in case of a relapse, an permanent blocking is possible. Chat blocking for a period set by the operator can act as a warning.
1.3 Insulting Game Helper (GH) and / or other assistants of the Administration, including using profanity, insults / provocative messages addressed to Game Helper and / or other assistants of the Administration - without warning, the account will be blocked for 1 day, in case of a relapse, an permanent blocking is possible.
1.4 Flood (repeated or meaningless messages) in the game chat (general, trade, guild or private) - a warning, in case of recurrence, the account will be blocked for 1 day.
1.5 Spreading rumors, slander, unfounded accusations, committing actions that discredit the honor and dignity of the Administration, other Players, users of the website, as well as other persons - blocking the account for 1 day without warning, blocking in case of recurrence account up to 3 days.
1.6 Provocation / trolling or any other type of abusive behavior to escalate conflicts - warning, in case of recurrence, account blocking for 1 day.
1.7 Interfering with the work of Game Helper (GH) and / or other assistants of the Administration in any way possible - warning, in case of recurrence, the account will be blocked from 1 day.
1.8 Disrespectful statements towards Game Helpers ([GM], [EM]), the Administration or about the server as a whole, disrespectful or rude statements about the Administration in any of the chats, threats, etc. - without warning, blocking of an account for 1 day, in case of a relapse up to an unlimited blocking of the account.
1.9 The use of profanity and / or insults when contacting the technical support service, as well as when contacting the Administration in other ways provided for by the current rules of the game server - blocking the account for 1 day, in case of recurrence, blocking the account from 1 day.
2.0 The use of profanity and / or provocative messages in the character's in-game nickname and / or guild name, in the name of the play store, renaming the character / guild - removing the play store, warning, in case of recurrence, the account is blocked for a period of 7 days until the account is permanently blocked.
Note: * In the absence of Administration Assistants, players who have found a violation of the Game Rules are sent to Support. A complaint is filed if there is substantial evidence of a violation of the Rules (a screenshot is required). The Complaint to the Support is considered within 72 hours. After the expiration of the time for consideration of the Complaint by the Administrator, if the Complaint is justified, the guilty is punished (banned).
2. Posing as a representative of the Administration
2.1 The use of terminology in the character's game nickname that implies communication with the Administration, including with the aim of obtaining a game advantage and / or game values - renaming a character or blocking an account up to an permanent period, withdrawal of received game values and / or advantages.
2.2 The use of terminology in the name of the guild, implying the connection of the guild with the Administration - renaming the guild, in case of repeated violation, the blocking of the offender's account from 1 day.
2.3 Posing as a confidant of the Administration and / or having a connection with the Administration - blocking the account from 1 to 30 days.
3. Threats
3.1 Threats to use violence and / or physical violence, including against representatives of the Administration - account blocking from 1 day.
3.2 Blackmail or other types of extortion - blocking an account for 1 day, in case of recurrence up to an permanent blocking.
4. Propaganda and / or insult to morality
4.1 Insult to morality, propaganda and / or expression of rejection or hatred, as well as propaganda of discrimination against people on racial, ethnic, gender, religious, social grounds, disrespectful attitude to culture, race, nation, people, language, politics and political system, ideology, social movement, etc. - account blocking from 1 to 14 days.
4.2 Agitation of players, setting them up negatively in relation to the Administration, players and other persons - blocking the account for up to 1 day or permanent blocking of the account.
5. Dissemination of information, including information of an advertising nature
5.1 Dissemination of information not related to the project in any form, including in the form of links to Internet pages. Advertising of third-party resources (discussion, spam, links to third-party sites and other projects). The right to define advertising belongs to the Administration - blocking an account from 1 day to permanent.
5.2 Dissemination of information in any form, including in the form of links to Internet pages, about porn sites, resources containing any information about drugs, resources that defame morality, propagandize hatred and / or discrimination of people on racial, ethnic, gender, religious , social characteristics, disrespectful attitude towards culture, race, people, nation, language, politics and political system, ideology, social movement, as well as the dissemination of information of a similar nature, as well as the commission of other similar actions - blocking account from 1 day to unlimited.
5.3 Dissemination of information about the sale / purchase / exchange of third-party and / or malware - unlimited account blocking.
6. Using bugs (exploits)
6.1 Obtaining a game advantage / game values when using Game bugs/exploits, including Game errors in rewards for quests (game quests) and / or in incorrect operation of a quest - warning or blocking an account from 7 days to permanent, withdrawal of game values and / or the gaming benefits obtained as a result of such use.
6.2 Using Game exploits/bugs without obtaining a game advantage and / or game values - from warning to account blocking up to 7 days.
6.3 Obtaining game values / game advantages due to the use of Game errors by another User - blocking the account from 7 days to permanent, withdrawal of game values and / or game benefits obtained as a result of such use.
7. Using of third-party software, prohibited programs and "cheating"
7.1 Using and/or threat and/or attempt to use software and/or devices that emulate the Player's presence in the Game, or disrupt the normal functioning of the Game software - blocking an account from 1 day to permanent, withdrawal of game values and/or game advantages received as a result of such use.
7.2 Modification of the Game client, that is, actions aimed at uncovering the technology, decompiling, parsing or any other method of extracting the client's source code, making any changes to the source code, changing the functionality of the Game client, as well as gaining access to server software of the Game and / or substitution of server packages, as well as the above actions to gain access to and interfere with the operation of technical protection means used by the Administration (including the use of such client modifications as patches that change the color of the chat, the appearance of the character, the scrolling range and the like) - blocking an account from 2 days to permanent, withdrawal of game values ​​and / or game benefits obtained as a result of such use.
7.3 Obtaining a gaming advantage and / or gaming values, including gaining gaming experience through the use of third-party software, including through the use of third-party software by another User - blocking an account from 1 day to permanent, withdrawal of game values and / or gaming benefits, obtained as a result of such use.
7.4 Creation and / or use of additional accounts, including the game on two factions in order to obtain a game advantage - an unlimited blocking of an additional account with the withdrawal of game values obtained when using a game advantage, from a warning to an unlimited blocking of the main account.
7.5 The use or threat to use third-party software, which may entail, including gaining a gaming advantage / hacking / data interception / elimination of restrictions established by the technical protection means used by the Administration - account blocking from 1 day to permanent.
7.6 Purchase on the in-game market of items received by other users as a result of violation of the User and / or License Agreements - cancellation of the in-game transaction and return of the game currency to the buyer (at the discretion of the Administration). It is possible to lock the character up to permanent.
7.7 Hacking / attempted hacking, unauthorized access to someone else's game account or other interference with the personal data of players, accounts or the work of the game server [2] - permanent blocking of the account.
7.8 Taking actions that resulted in a malfunction of the Administration's service for the provision of entertainment services aimed at organizing and supporting the game process with the participation of Users - unlimited blocking of the account.
8. Using of the User's account by more than one person
8.1 Transfer of registration data to another User and / or other third parties in any way, including the sale, purchase, exchange of registration data, receipt and / or use of registration information of another User necessary to access the Game, including the use of an account by more than one by a person, and / or providing access to the account to third parties, including the provision of a login / password - from blocking the account of a person whose account is used by more than one person, for 3 days, to permanent blocking of the account, as well as from blocking the account of the person who gained access to the account of another User, for 7 days, until the unlimited blocking of the account, including the seizure of game values ​​obtained as a result of such transfer / access.
9. Selling or buying game valuables
9.1 Dissemination of information about the sale / purchase of game values and / or an account, information about the provision of game services for non-game funds or funds not provided for in the project - account blocking from 7 days to unlimited account blocking.
9.2 Provision of gaming services (including assistance in character development) for non-gaming funds or funds not provided for in the project - account blocking for up to 7 days.
9.3 The actual sale and / or purchase of game values for non-game funds or funds not provided for in the project - unlimited blocking of the account, withdrawal of sold or purchased game values (without taking into account the fact that she / they could be modified / modified after purchase).
9.4 A game store with the text about the sale of things and / or the placement of items with the highest possible price with the indication of contacts for communication not provided for by the Game, as well as any other tricks involving the sale of things for non-game funds are equated to this violation - the removal of the game store, from warning to blocking account from 1 day to 14, withdrawal of sold or purchased game values (without taking into account the fact that she / they could be modified / modified after purchase).
9.5 Account saling / purchasing / exchanging - permanent blocking of player accounts.
10. Other
10.1 Neglect of instructions, Game Helper or other assistants of the Administration and / or violation of the rules of the game event, which resulted in its disruption - account blocking for 1 day up to indefinite.
10.2 Fraud and / or encouraging fraud - account blocking from 1 to 14 days.
10.3 Deception of employees of the Administration in order to obtain a gaming advantage and / or other benefit - blocking an account from 1 day to an unlimited blocking.
10.4 Fraud with kill points - resetting the PvP rank, blocking the accounts involved in the violation for 30 days.
Transitional provisions
1. An attempt to commit any violation may result in the same penalties as a violation.
2. The administration is not obliged, but can, if possible, help the player to restore access to the account and restore completely or partially lost game values / characters. However, in case of direct fault of the loss of access on the part of the Player, he will be denied assistance.
3. *The administration independently and at its own discretion decides what is considered a violation of these rules of the game. At the same time, the Administration is not obliged to provide the player with any evidence proving a violation.
4. *The administration reserves the right to evaluate the actions of the Users and impose any penalties on them in cases not provided for by these rules, if it deems it necessary.